Chateua Chikovani

Location: An array of Askhi mountain, the river Okatse’s valley.

Distance: from Khoni - 13 km, from Kutaisi - 38 km from Tbilisi - 273 km.

Coordinates: N42 27.079 E42 33.003

Terrain: Hilly.

Altitude: 800 m.

Climate: Subtropical. Winters are mild, summers are warm, moderately humid.

The Average Annual Temperature: 17 ℃.

Average Precipitation: 1790 mm.

Air Avg. Annual Relative Humidity Of: 85%.

Duration Of Sunshine Per Year: 2000-2100 hours.

Natural Healing Factors: The Low Mountain Climate.

Types Of Treatment: Climate, Terrain Cure.

Medical Indications: Nervous and Cardiovascular Systems, Heart, Blood Diseases, General Fatigue.


Gordi in in Egrisi southern slopes of the western part of Imereti on three regions border: Imereti, Lechkhumi and samegrelos border. It is one of the beauties of Imereti. Here is the summer residence of Dadiani and known Gordis (Okatse) canyon.

For a healthy climate and wonderful nature of the century, Gordi was already on Georgia’s resorts. Gordi village of upper (Tsageri) and Samegrelo (martvili) to the west. This is the border of the limestone areas of the Caucasus is one of the most extensive array of high mountain ranges - it holds. Its highest point, gadrekili’s height 2520 m. There are eight array of more than a dozen karst Empty Space with area of 24 thousand square meters. 42 underground cave, many streams, rivers and lakes. Some of the natural cave of the Freezer, some at the bottom of the underground water stream flows in and out of the most beautiful waterfalls breaks. The caves are connected with complex system of tunnels, with an estimated length of 15 km or more. Massive karst cave some stone age of people, weapons and ancient animal fossils found in different surname. In the later period of the natural and man-made caves for shelter and fortress-defined function.

Today, it holds an array of one of the most popular tourist centers of Imereti, Samegrelo region as well.

It holds an array of dates to the river was launched, which Imereti’ s Highest- 70-meter-high waterfall and a hollow Kinchha runs. Gordi village in the vicinity of the river creates a wonderful monument of nature - 2-kilometer-long canyon, the bottom of the natural bridges, caves and vokluses deployed. One of the natural stone bridge ( "kvakhida") depth of the canyon is till 100 meters.

Gordi Dadianis was the summer residence. XIX century by the architect Leonid Vasiliev project here two wonderful palace was built. Palaces around the garden planted by Italian grower Joseph reel. Forest Park was a church, a bath, a long alleys, springs and lakes where swans floating in the water. Today, only one of the palaces framework remained.

Contact Us

Georgia, Imereti, Khoni region, village Gordi

599 51 56 76